Saint John of God

Saint John of GodAt the age of eight John ran away from his family in Portugal and eventually found his way into an army in Spain. During this time he lived a reckless, decadent life. Later, he became a shepherd in Andulusia, where he had time to reflect on his past. Following a religious conversion at Santiago, Spain, John gave up his old ways to devote his life to charity.

John began caring for a man and his family who were living in exile. To raise money for them, john opened a bookstore that also sold religious items. Eventually he made enough money to buy a house to offer hospitality to the people of the streets - outcast, prostitutes, the homeless, and ex-prisoners. He saw Jesus in everyone, and the local bishop nicknamed him John of God. His house grew, and before long he was running hospices and hospitals. His work attracted a group of followers who became known as the Brothers Hospitallers.

John died in 1550 after jumping in to an icy river to save a boy from drowning.

St. John of God is the patron of booksellers and his feast day is March 8th.
His motto is "Do good to yourself by doing good to others."

From Patrons and Protectors: More Occupations Liturgy Training Publications

St. John of God illustrated by Michael O'Neill McGrath